Access Unit
Advanced Document Control System The controled document store for ST internal and external documents
Advanced Television Systems Committee
Alcoholics Anonymous An organisation dedicated to helping alocholics, providing support to enable the alcoholic to master their adiction. AA have an online Journal [UK]
American National Standards Institute
AT Attachments ATA is the standard disk access protocol defined by NCITS sub-committee T13
ATA Procedural Interface ATAPI is the procedural interface for disk access defined by NCITS sub-committee T13
Audio/Video Coded form of PU.
Big-Endian A processor architecture where the most signifance byte of a multi-byte word is in the lowest ordered memory location
bit A single binary digit
Bit Error Rate The rate at which bit errors occur in a data stream
Block Started by Symbol The uninitialised data section in a software program
British Computer Society The professional computing society of Great Britain
byte The basic unit of computer data (typically 8 bits)
Capability Maturity Model Developed by the Carnagie Mellon university is a model for software process improvement. The model consists of 5 distinct levels (1-5) that can be used to describe the level of process maturity within software development.
Centimeter 100th of a meter (a measure of distance)
Channel to Segment Service Map The record transmitted from the PGGS to the IRD that defines channes present in the guide data stream.
Component Delivery System The CDS is used by ST to deliver Driver source to third parties
Current Field Flag Error flag for ADG held in the ADP
Customer Service Center System that send subscriber billing information and service requests to the service provider's billing system.
Data Encryption Standard A satellite operating in accordance with International Telecommunications Union and Federal Communications Commission regulations for high power broadcasting from space to individual consumers.
Description Information Parcel Data parcel, used in the program guide, containing an event's description.
Direct Broadcast Satellite A satellite operating in accordance with International Telecommunications Union and Federal Communications Commission regulations for high power broadcasting from space to individual consumers.
Electical Musical Industries Major Distributer of music related products.
encryption Control Word Packet Information packet the Verifier uses to determine if it should produce a control word allowing video (or audio, in the case of audio only services) decryption.
Entertainment Consultant Equivalent to a customer service representative
First In First Out This is a common buffering protocol and the term is often used to refer to buffers using this protocol.
Hard Disk Drive A random access magnetic secondary storage system for computer systems. HDD's consist of a one or more spinning magnetic disks.
hardware The physical components of a computer system
Hertz A measure of frequency (the number of oscillations per second)
High Definition High resolution images for digital broadcast.
Hurd An Open Source version of UNIX built around a flexable object based micro-kernel model.
Impulse Pay-Per-View A method for ordering service on "impulse" where payments are required for each program or special event independently.
Integrated Receiver/Decoders The indoor portion of the subscriber terminal which performs functions of transmission channel tuning, service channel selection, demodulation, demultiplexing, decryption (under control of the CAM), analog signal output and subscriber interface.
International Business Machines A large well established computer vendor specialising in medium to huge computer systems.
International Organisation for Standardisation
kernel The central hardware/software control core of a UNIX OS.
Kilometer 1000 meters (a measure of distance)
Linear Pulse Coded Modulation PCM samples packed in PES DVD pack
Linux A popular Open Source version of UNIX supported on a wide range of hardware.
Little-Endian A processor architecture where the least signifance byte of a multi-byte word is in the lowest ordered memory location
Local Oscillator Stable frequency source
Logical Block Address This is an addressing system for blocks on a block device (typically HDD) which numbers them sequentialy.
Master Program Guide Program guide data stream that identifies service provider services for, minimally, the next two hours.
Media Error Field A meter (a measure of distance)
Memory Management Unit 1000th of a meter (a measure of distance)
Microsoft A large software/OS vendor
Millimeter 1000th of a meter (a measure of distance)
Motion Picture Association of America Guild governing rating assignments to movies.
National Committe on Information Technology Standards
News Data Systems Inc. The existing provider of conditional access and security services for the DBS system
Non-Conformance Notice these are raised as a result of an internal (or external audit) where deviations from the company procedures or ISO are observed during an audit. On occasion a special type of NCN - an opportunity for improvement action may be raised.
Non-Volatile Random Access Memory Standardisation body that developed the Analog Terrestrial formats.
Not Rated MPAA rating applied to programming that does not have an assigned rating
On Line Community This is a secure world wide intranet tool for communities of people with common interests to exchange information, ideas, problems, discuss solutions etc. This is part of the knowledge sharing initiative launched late last year.
Operating System The hardware/software control system that provides application access to the underlying hardware in a generalised form.
Order-ahead Pay-Per-View Movie purchases placed by calling a customer service representative rather than using the on-screen displays. Necessary to purchase movies when the subscriber does not connect the phone to the IRD.
Outdoor Unit The system that provides signal reception and down conversion
Pattern Generation The generation of manfacturing data for a silicon design
Program Associated Data Data security delivered with each encrypted program that authorised CAMs use to obtain access to the program.
Program Guide Generating System Computer system that recieves programming schedules, checks the input format, and stores/formats the data for transmission to the IRD.
Program Information Parcel Carries data through the conditional access system allowing purchase of events over the air (thus, without using a customer service representative).
Quality Management System BER < 1E-10
Read The F***ing Manual A common (unofficial) support response.
Red/Green/Blue This is a colour representation based on a mix of three primary colours (red/green/blue). There are other colour systems based on different primaries and also more than three primary colours
Redundant Header The Header of a Redundant Data Packet
SI Units The international standard units for measurement
software The intangible components of a computer system used to control the function of the hardware. Unsually composed of a defined memory state.
STMicroelectronics A leading Chip manufacturer and excellent employer
Subscriber Terminal System The system that performs all functions required to recieve and deliver service programming at a subscriber household. Consists of the 18-inch dish, integrated reciever/decoder with CAM, and IRD remote control.
System Time Clock 90 KHz clock
Team Performance Awareness the name of the training course aimed at improving awareness of teamworking dynamics, and through this improving the effectiveness of teamworking.
Time Logging System The Web based system that ST uses to record the effort spent on different projects
Time Object the name of the training course aimed at improving awareness of teamworking dynamics, and through this improving the effectiveness of teamworking.
word A unit of computer data (typically a multi-byte unit)
World Wide Web A global public network connecting businesses, universities and individuals.
ZIP ZIP is the USA version of a postcode
ADA Programming Language named after Augusta Ada Lovelace
Algorithmic Oriented Language see IAL
Al Aho, Peter Weinberger and Brian Kernighan Unix text processing language (AWK)named after its authors, Al Aho, Peter Weinberger and Brian Kernighan.
American Standard Code for Information Interchange
Assembler Source Module A text file containing assembly source code
Atanasoff-Berry Computer (First digital calculating machine that used vacuum tubes)
Attention Hang-Up Haynes Modem command
Attention Restore Haynes modem command to restore configuration profile from nonvolatile RAM
Automated Book Request System Book request system used by the British Library
Basic Computer Programming Language This language was the percursor to the programming language 'B' which then lead to the popular programming language 'C'. There was also a subsequent programming language 'D' which did not take off.
Basic Input/Output System A basic set of operations provided in firmware typically on am x86 compatable PC.
Bayonet Neill-Concelman Connector used with coaxial cable invented by Mr. Neill-Concelman
Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code An interpreted programing language popular on early desk top computers
Bell This refers to the 'bell' on a typewriter to indicate the end of line. The term is now used for the ASCII charater with represent a 'beep' sound originally used in much the same way as the typewriter end of line 'bell'.
Bit Test An atomic (or as near as possible) operation used in computer programs
Bit Test and Reset An atomic (or as near as possible) operation used in computer programs
Bit Test and Set An atomic (or as near as possible) operation used in computer programs
Branch if Greater or Equal Assembly code instruction
Branch if Greater Than Assembly code instruction
Branch if Higher Assembly code instruction
Branch if Higher or Same Assembly code instruction
Branch if Less or Equal Assembly language instruction
Branch if Lower Or Same Assembly language instruction
Branch if Minus Assembly language instruction
Branch if Not Carry Assembly language instruction
Branch if Not Equal Assembly language instruction
Branch if Plus Assembly language instruction
Byte Information Exchange See also BBS.
Cable Tv Televistion broadcasts over a provate wired network
Cancel Usually used to describe a character or character sequence used to abort an operation
Capitals A keyboard key used to capitalise other keys
Change Directory cd - a standard UNIX command
Common Business-Oriented Language An early programming language not in common use today.
Common Desktop Environment The name of a window manager found on some UNIX systems. CDE is less popular than some of the more modern UNIX based window managers such as KDE and Gnome
Common Object File Format A program file format uses in UNIX system. This file format is being replace by ELF which is more flexable.
Communications (COM) The term used my Windows operating systems for a serial communications port.
Community Antenna Television This was the original name for what is now known as Cable TV.
Computing To Assist Persons With Disabilities See "Johns Hopkins University"
Conseil European pour la Recherche Nucleaire The European Particle Physics Laboratory
Console A user interface device including keyboard and screen.
Control Program for Microcomputers An early OS now rarly used.
Convergent Technologies Operating System If you have any more information on this OS then let me know.
Coordinate Geometry A programming language.
Cupid The roman god of love(lust). Clasically depicted as a small chubby boy with wings and a small bow an arrows.
Cyan-Magenta-Yellow A way of descibing a colour as a mixture of the complimentary colours
Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Black See CMY
Cyan-Yellow-Magenta-Black See CMYK
Cylinder Usually used in the context of a HDD
K Desktop Environment A popular window manager on UNIX systems. KDE has been developed as a cooperative effort by the open source community
Ampere The ampere is the SI unit defined as that constant current which, if maintained in two straight parallel conductors of infinite length, of negligible circular cross section, and placed 1 meter apart in vacuum, would produce between these conductors a force equal to 2 x 10-7 newton per meter of length.
atto A prefix indicating a unit of scale equal to 1e-18
Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (International Bureau of Weights and Measures) The BIPM, located outside Paris, has the task of ensuring worldwide unification of physical measurements. It is the "international" metrology institute, and operates under the exclusive supervision of the CIPM.
C C Programming Language
Candela The candela is the SI unit defined as the luminous intensity, in a given direction, of a source that emits monochromatic radiation of frequency 540 x 1012 hertz and that has a radiant intensity in that direction of 1/683 watt per steradian.
centi A prefix indicating a unit of scale equal to 1e-2
Central Investigation Agency The spy department of the USA government.
Code A formalised description of a programs functionality. Source code is a human readable format designed to be interpretted by a program or compiled/assembled to machine code. Machine code is a format intended to be actioned by a CPU or other hardware.
Comite Consultatif International Telegraphique et Telephonique Consultative Committee for International Telegraph and Telephone
Comité International des Poids et Mesures (International Committee for Weights and Measures) The CIPM comes under the authority of the CGPM. It suggests modifications to the SI to the CGPM for formal adoption. The CIPM may also on its own authority pass clarifying resolutions and recommendations regarding the SI.
Conference on Data System Languages This is the group that designed COBOL language
Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures (General Conference on Weights and Measures) The CGPM is the primary intergovernmental treaty organization responsible for the SI, representing nearly 50 countries. It has the responsibility of ensuring that the SI is widely disseminated and modifying it as necessary so that it reflects the latest advances in science and technology.  
Cylinder Head Sector A way of addressing data on a hard disk using the phyisical location. This is being relpaces by the LBA addressing system
deci A prefix indicating a unit of scale equal to 1e-1
deka A prefix indicating a unit of scale equal to 1e1
exa A prefix indicating a unit of scale equal to 1e18
Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
femto A prefix indicating a unit of scale equal to 1e-15
giga A prefix indicating a unit of scale equal to 1e9
Gnome A popular window manager on UNIX systems. KDE has been developed as a cooperative effort by the open source community
Gnome A small fictional, humanoid creature. Often associated with red pointy hats and fishing rods.
hecto A prefix indicating a unit of scale equal to 1e2
International System (of Units) An internationly agreed set of standard unit of measure.
Kelvin The kelvin is the SI unit of thermodynamic temperature, is the fraction 1/273.16 of the thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of water.
kilo A prefix indicating a unit of scale equal to 1e3
Kilogram The kilogram is the SI unit of mass; it is equal to the mass of the international prototype of the kilogram.
mega A prefix indicating a unit of scale equal to 1e6
Meter The meter is the SI unit of length defined as the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1/299 792 458 of a second.
micro A prefix indicating a unit of scale equal to 1e-6
milli A prefix indicating a unit of scale equal to 1e-3
mole A mole is the SI unit defined as the amount of substance of a system which contains as many elementary entities as there are atoms in 0.012 kilogram of carbon 12; its symbol is "mol."
nano A prefix indicating a unit of scale equal to 1e-9
peta A prefix indicating a unit of scale equal to 1e15
pico A prefix indicating a unit of scale equal to 1e-12
SCAN Computerized Axial Tomography Scan
Second The second is the SI unit of time defined as the duration of 9 192 631 770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium 133 atom.
tera A prefix indicating a unit of scale equal to 1e12
Unicode UNicode is an emerging standard for encoding characters an numbers with in a computer. The encoding can be based on 8, 16 or 32 bit words.
yocto A prefix indicating a unit of scale equal to 1e-24
yotta A prefix indicating a unit of scale equal to 1e24
zepto A prefix indicating a unit of scale equal to 1e-21
zetta A prefix indicating a unit of scale equal to 1e21